আজঃ বুধবার ● ৩০শে মাঘ ১৪৩১ ● ১২ই ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫ ● ১২ই শাবান ১৪৪৬ ● সকাল ১১:৫৪

By: Mukti barta

Jhikargacha upazila youth rights council committee announcement

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Muktibarta Desk: promise of youth,

The country will belong to the people.

The country will belong to the people.

A pledge of youth.

Keeping this slogan in front, with the coordination and tireless efforts of Jessore District Branch Committee Vice-President, Jessore District Branch Committee Billal Hussain, Jhikargacha Upazila is a group of brave young generation to strengthen the hand of Daksu former VP in Jhikargacha Upazila of Jessore District. Autocratic, tyrannical, Awami League government with the support of youth Declaring war against the unjust torture, injustice, tendering and extortion that has started all over Bangladesh after the fall, “Youth Rights Parishad”, a member organization of Ganadhikar Parishad, has taken to the streets to declare war against it. Those who are in the newly formed committee of Jhikargacha Upazila Jubo Adhikar Parishad said that they will work with honesty in the service of Jhikargacha village. And in the coming days, the leaders and workers of Yuva Odhikar Parishad expressed their solidarity in building a beautiful society in Jhikargacha village. Anwar Zahid, General Secretary Asraful Alam, Organizing Secretary Iqbal Hossain, Office Secretary Abdul Latif, Finance Secretary Zubair Hossain, Publicity and Publication Secretary Mizanur Rahman and many others will serve as president in the newly formed committee of Jhikargacha Upazila. Jessore District Youth Rights Council President Rubel Sheikh, and General Secretary Milan Sheikh, Jhikargacha Upazila newly formed committee officially on the 20th of December 2024 in the afternoon of Jhikargacha Upazila Dakbungalow hall room to eradicate terrorism, extortion, extortion, tender betting, and every Jhikargacha Upazila. Committee approved to strengthen the hands of VP Noor with the active committee of the union give They said that they hope that Jhikargacha Youth Rights Council will do something good on the side of the people.

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