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“Bangladesh’s Great Victory Day was celebrated in Cardiff, Britain, at the initiative of the UK Wales Awami League and Jubo League,


“With due dignity and solemnity, a discussion meeting was organized in Cardiff, UK, on ​​Thursday, December 26 at 12 noon, on the occasion of the 54th Great Victory Day of Bangladesh, under the initiative of the UK Awami League Wales branch, with the pledge to build a non-communal Bangladesh free from terrorism and militancy in the spirit of the democratic liberation war.”

The meeting, chaired by former student leader Mohammad Makis Mansur, president of Wales Awami League and central member of the UK Awami League, and conducted by former student leader MA Malik, general secretary of Wales Awami League, a minute of silence was observed at the beginning of the meeting to pay tribute to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and all those who contributed to the freedom fighters, including the four national leaders.

Wales Awami League Joint General Secretary Golam Mortuza, Joint General Secretary Alhaj Liaquat Ali, Organizing Secretary Mallik Mosaddek Ahmed, Office Secretary Sheikh Mohammad Anwar, former president of Wales Jubo League Joynal Ahmed Shibul, former student leader Abdul Wahid Babul, president of Wales Jubo League VP Selim Ahmed, senior vice presidents Abul Kalam Mumin, Abdur Ruuf, and other Awami League, Jubo League and former Chhatra League leaders spoke at the discussion meeting.

In his speech, the chairman of the meeting, Acting President of Wales Awami League Mohammad Makis Mansur, paid tribute to Bangabandhu and the four national leaders, including all those who contributed to the freedom fighters, and called for a solemn oath to uphold the victory of the Liberation War, stand against all the evil deeds of the anti-national evil forces, and free the country from the clutches of the occupying Yunus Gang, energized by the spirit of independence.

All the speakers, including Wales Awami League General Secretary MA Malik, mentioned that the country and its people should be saved by overthrowing the illegal government that has seized power through conspiracy and militant terrorism, and said that the fascist Yunus government has filed hundreds of false murder cases against Bangabandhu’s daughter. Most of those who have been accused of being the plaintiffs are not aware of the cases. Many of the people who have been filed as victims have returned alive. Without proper investigation and trial in all these false, fabricated and baseless cases, this fascist government is carrying out a malicious attempt to kill Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina through a pre-made decision. Again, for the same murder, many leaders of the Awami League, including Sheikh Hasina, and several government officials have been filed with genocide cases. According to the constitution and law, such cases cannot be filed twice on the same matter.

Meanwhile, on the occasion of Bangladesh’s Great Victory Day, the UK Awami Jubo League Wales branch held a floral tribute at the International Mother Language Monument or Shaheed Minar in Cardiff, the multicultural and multinational city of Britain, known as the motherland of democracy, and a discussion meeting followed by a concerted performance of the national anthem.

The meeting, chaired by Wales Jubo League President VP Selim Ahmed and moderated by Wales Jubo League Senior Vice President Abul Kalam Mumin, was addressed as the chief guest by former president of the UK Wales Jubo League and president of the Wales Awami League, former student leader Mohammad Makis Mansur.

Special guests included Wales Awami League Labour Secretary Alhaj Asad Mia, Newport Awami Jubo League President Shah Shafi Qadir, Bangabandhu Cultural Forum UK Newport President Sheikh Abdur Ruuf Talukder, General Secretary Sitab Ali, former student leaders Russell Ahmed, Imran Mia, Wales Chhatra League President Mohammad Badrul Haque Mansur and General Secretary Shahjahan Talukder Shaon, along with leaders of Awami League, Jubo League and former Chhatra League.

Chief guest, former president of UK Wales Jubo League and president of Wales Awami League, former student leader Mohammad Makis Mansur, and all the speakers said that Bangladesh, Bangabandhu and Bangladesh Awami League are intertwined, one complements the other. The history of Bangladesh cannot be written without Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the Bangladesh Awami League. The undisputed leader of the great liberation war and bloody struggle through which the Bengali nation achieved great victory is Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. And under the leadership of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Bangladesh Awami League, the lifeblood of the Bengali people, embodied the spirit of liberation of the entire Bengali nation and conducted the liberation war. The most glorious achievement in the thousand-year history of the Bengalis is the ever-desired independence. The spirit and ideals of the great liberation war, with which the entire nation was strengthened to achieve that independence, are facing a crisis today, 53 years after independence. The old vultures have seized the map and the national flag of Bangladesh. The government, led by the illegal and unconstitutional occupying fascist Yunus, is belittling the combined strength and capability of the Bengalis through its malicious attempt to suppress the spirit of the Liberation War. Today, in Bangladesh, the historic 7th of March, Constitution Day, and the martyrdom day of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, i.e. the National Mourning Day, which are associated with the history of the great Liberation War, have been excluded from the state rituals. The High Court’s verdict recognizing ‘Joy Bangla’, the battle cry that made the brave sons of the Bengali mother fearless to risk their lives to liberate the motherland, as the national slogan, has also been suspended. All these vile and despicable steps are not only being taken for political reasons, but are clearly being taken out of hatred and malice towards the spirit of the Liberation War and the history of the birth of the Bangladesh state. From today’s meeting and

It has been strongly condemned and protested.

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